Thursday, September 27, 2012

"Volunteer" plants

I took a walk around the yard today and this time kept my eyes on the ground. Look what I found!
Volunteer herbs.

This is mullein. I've seen it called Cowboy Toilet Paper because of the thick, fuzzy leaves. I don't think I'd use it as toilet paper, since those fuzzies can also be irritating to sensitive skin! It's also used in various herbal medicines, teas and the like.

Mullein is a biennial plant. It's first year, it grows a rosette of leaves like this:
During the second year, it grows a tall spike with yellow flowers. Those flowers can produce in excess of 100,000 seeds.  The seeds can lay dormant for over 100 years before sprouting.
This mullein in the yard is taller than I am.
I also found Yarrow.
This variety is low-growing. Yarrow is used in different herbal remedies and supposedly can work to stop bleeding from cuts or wounds.
And here is a little mint plant I found growing along a brick path. I should probably dig him up and put him some place a little nicer for growing.
I have no doubt there are other edible or medicinal plants around here. In order to avoid dangerous mistakes, I'm going to see if someone knowledgeable in such things will come out and teach me how not to poison myself and others with foraged plants!
Do any of you have experience with foraged plants?

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