Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Compost "Tumbler"

I am experimenting with a homemade, low-cost compost "tumbler" made from a black plastic trash bin.

It's simply a plain 'ol trash can with some drainage holes drilled into it and a couple of bungee cords to hold the lid on securely. I've got about $25 invested in it, which is a whole lot cheaper than some of those compost tumblers I've seen for sale.

To turn the compost inside, all I'm doing is rolling the can around on its side.
I added a bunch of shredded paper today and this is what it all looked like inside after I tumbled it.
I keep the can on the south side of the house to take advantage of the warmth. That black plastic should help hold the heat, even in winter.  Plus it's convenient to the kitchen for adding new material. I use an empty plastic coffee can to collect kitchen scraps and dump it daily into the composter.
Once the can is full, I'll let it "cook" while I start to fill a second can. I don't know how fast compost will cook in the winter, but hopefully by spring, I'll have some beautifully finished compost for the garden.
G.W. says it's only a matter of time before a raccoon or bear rips this bin apart. He's probably right. But out here, those critters would rip apart any composter. At least if they get this one, I'm only out $25 instead of $150 for one of the expensive ones I see in stores and online!

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