Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Locals

Bear with me while I learn the ins and outs of blogging. I haven't figured out how to create multiple dynamic pages. I can do static pages, just not ones that support multiple posts.  In the meantime, I'll label each day's post based on the pages I hope to create one day.

For example, today's label is "wildlife". On the right side of the page, you'll see a list of labels. This will help you find posts on specific topics.

The previous homeowners had bird, squirrel and deer feeders up all over the property. I've taken the feeders down, since I will be putting in a garden. However, it will take some time for the wildlife to learn new habits. Don't get me wrong, I love animals of all kinds. Under different circumstances, I'd be delighted to see all of these creatures in my yard. With self-sufficiency as my ultimate goal, these critters will be competing with me for the food from my garden. And that won't do at all.

Two mule deer doe and their twin fawns come around every day. They aren't afraid of humans.

I can walk within 20 feet of them and they stand there looking at me calmly. Even shouting at them doesn't frighten them. I have to run at them like a crazy woman in order to get them to move. And even then, they go about 50 feet then turn around to watch me. 
A rather large flock of turkey visits every few days. I'd say there are about 50 of them in all. Here are some of them lounging around where one of the feeders used to be.

There are dozens of youngsters in this flock. Unfortunately, they've already learned to come here for food. If I discourage them from coming around, perhaps the next generation won't learn the same habit.

My hubby, G.W. has made the argument that I don't want to chase these animals too far away. In a crisis situation, they're a vaulable source of protein. It's a valid point. But how do I find the balance between protecting my garden and keeping the animals close by as a food source?

Any ideas?

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