Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's a wild life out here!

Between wildlife and wild weather, every day out here is an adventure! 

Hail storms are common. This one lasted more than 20 minutes and left the ground looking like we had accumulating snow.

 The pea-size hail didn't damage any of the plants in the garden, luckily.  So far, all of the hail I've seen has been small like this. Anything larger and the garden would have been a total loss!

I'd been seeing this guy and his wife hunting in the yard and garden for a few days. I finally got a fuzzy photo. (I should learn to have the camera with me AT ALL TIMES) He's a Spotted Towhee.

I've looked for a nest, which is supposed to be largish and low to the ground, but haven't found it yet.

About a week ago, I had an amazing wildlife encounter. While working in the garden, I turned around to find a beautiful silver fox just 30 feet away. It was sniffing around in the grass right next to our deck. About the time I realized I didn't have the camera with me (of course!) a red fox came out of the trees. The two fox stared at each other for several seconds, then the silver one chased the red one away. 

Since then, I've seen the silver fox at a distance. Then a few days ago I saw it again and this time, I had the camera. Can you spot him in this photo?

It was hunting the squirrels that live in the old cabin. 

I love seeing the fox around. However, I am pretty sure my attitude towards it is going to change in a month or so. Why? Because I have fourteen baby Golden Laced Cochin chickens in a brooder box in the garage. Once they feather out, they'll be living in the chicken coop. That fox is going to do everything it can to make a meal out of them. 

The chickens? Oh yes, I forgot to tell you about the chickens.  I'll leave that for the next post. Come back tomorrow and I'll introduce you to them.

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