
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Technical Difficulties

There's going to be a delay in posting about both the darling kittens and the chickens. I'm having nothing but trouble in getting photos and video off my camera.

To give you a quick update though, the kittens are all doing well. The day after I brought four orphan kittens home, I went back to the barn where my neighbor and I found them to retrieve one more kitten. 

The fifth little guy struggled a bit for the first twelve hours or so. It didn't have much interest in eating. But he revived and is OK.

All five kittens are happy, healthy and are bouncing around playing with toys and wrestling with each other. 

The chickens are also doing fine. They are still two distinct flocks, but there doesn't seem to be any strife beyond what you'd expect from a normal pecking order. 

As soon as I can figure out what is going on with my camera, I'll post the photos and some "real" updates on all of the critters here at Crossed Sabers Ranch.

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