Monday, October 29, 2012

Inside the Hoop House

Today I opened the hoop house for the first time since October 24th when I battened down the hatches for the snow storm. The temperatures have been warming up steadily, with today's high in the low 60's.

Happily, everything inside the hoop house is fine. Even better, the last batch of seeds I planted have begun to sprout!

Here's the spinach....

...and the new spinach sprouts.
Here is the Swiss Chard...

...and the new sprouts.

The collards and new sprouts.

The lettuce with new sprouts just barely visible on the left.
I have an idea for how to add vertical supports to the hoops for added stability and ability to bear weight.  The next storm could bring snow we measure in feet, so I have to be ready.
I'm still playing around with it, but will post photos soon.

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