
Saturday, July 28, 2012

In the beginning...

Greetings and Salutations! My name is Renee. Welcome to Crossed Sabers Ranch!

My husband, G.W., and I just bought these 10 1/2 acres of heaven. The map says it's actually Colorado, but it's heaven to us.

This is my first morning at the ranch. I took my coffee outside so I could enjoy the solitude. A bunch of squirrels are protesting my presence right now. So much for solitude. I'll address my issues with these critters in a later post. They aren't exactly welcome here, since I know they'll lay into the garden I intend to plant like bums on a bologna sandwich!

This squirrel must be some kind of scout. He came right up the deck steps then went up on the railing and simply lay down. He wasn't afraid of me at all!

My dream is to kind of gradually ease into a homesteading lifestyle here. In my mind's eye, I can see the garden overflowing with every kind of vegetable and herb. Peaches and apples are supposed to thrive in this area, so I'm picturing a small orchard. Then my imagination jumps to row upon row of glass canning jars filled with the carefully preserved harvest.  I can see myself gathering eggs in the morning from my own flock of chickens and making cheese with milk from my dairy goats. Our horses will graze peacefully in knee-high grass.

Sounds idyllic, doesn't it? (Imagine a video clip of me skipping through the daisies with a basket of produce on my arm...)

I have a sneaky suspicion that the reality of trying to "ease into a homesteading lifestyle" is going to be more like a pitched battle against the forces of nature than any sort of harmonious, peaceful journey.  My first clue was the squirrels. I think they're sizing me up right now.

This blog is my way of sharing the lessons I learn along the way...what worked, what didn't and why. I intend to share successes and failures even if the failures are embarassing and make me look like a city slicker trying to make it in the country. Of course the fact is, I AM a city slicker trying to make it in the country. 

Occasionally, friends will contribute to this blog. Some live in cities and are learning how to homestead on city lots. Some are apartment dwellers and are doing what they can to grow food on balconies. All of them share the same desire to become self sufficient to what ever extent is possible in their unique situations.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but meanwhile, back at the ranch....the squirrels look like they're planning a hostile takeover.